Introduction Objectives Needs Assesment Contents Proposed Feedback Proposed Evaluation Member List


Targeted Students

Form 5 students of Malaysian High school


Proposed Contents



Know what you are listening to

Listen to the word emphasized by the speaker

Differentiate the good personalities from the bad



Consonant sound /f/ and /l/.



Provide students with a Simple Present Tense lesson that will provide them with the explanation and example of Simple Present Tense sentences.

Provide students with multiple choice questions (MCQ) of Simple Present Tense based on the aspects listed below: Simple Present Tense:

• Habitual Action

• Sentences begin with ‘Here’ and ‘There’

• Commentaries sentences

• Future Event



Topic sentence

Main idea

Supporting details

Inference and conclusion.


Level of Learning

The level of learning for the Interactive media is moderate as it conforms to the syllabus of form 5 English Language of Malaysian high school


Duration of MIP

Students are expected to finish the interactive media within 30 minutes, however, there is no limit or minimum time required to finish the course. This is to allow students to learn on their own term